The week before Easter in the church calendar is a time to remember the events leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. At Grace Marietta, we observe these holy days by gathering in community and taking time to reflect and respond to Jesus. Read on to learn more about Holy Week resources and gatherings.
Maundy Thursday is the day that we remember and observe Jesus’ last supper with His disciples.
Members of our church community will be hosting gatherings in their homes and in the park on Thursday, April 17, where we will share a meal and take communion together.
On Good Friday, we remember Jesus’ final moments on the cross, making a way for us to receive salvation and forgiveness for all of our sins, drawing us into a never-ending relationship with God.
The building will be open on Friday, April 18, from 6 to 8PM with self-guided reflection stations set up in the sanctuary.

Join us for Easter Sunday services on April 20! Morning gatherings will be held at 9AM and 11AM and will be an hour in length. All are welcome.
We’ll have an Easter egg hunt in the park following the 11AM service for all children, elementary-aged and younger. Baskets are available for any who need them.